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De: "Don Ware" <donware@earthlink.net>
Título: Fw: Wendelle Stevens Store Front
Fecha: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 16:18:01 -0500
Para: "Donald Ware" <donware@earthlink.net>
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Dear Colleagues,
    I think Wendelle is the most dedicated ET researcher and most knowledgeable truthseeker on this planet.  The results of his many years of efforts should be readily available to those who want to know what's going on during this world transformation.
    Teach Love, Don Ware
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:31 PM
Subject: Wendelle Stevens Store Front

       Dear Freinds,
            I just opened a new virtual bookstore online and offering my first newsletter.
            Please forward this to your contact stream,  inviting them to link it to their out put.
            Many Thanks and with kindests regards,

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